Apr 14, 2008
i18n with Ext.js: A resource bundle
Last weekend I was working on i18n with Ext.js, and there is a feature that I miss (so much) from jsp and it is the Resource Bundle. So I realized that I should get something similar to this and I started to write an Ext.i18n.ResourceBundle. The main idea is to create an object that can get a bundle, it means that taking the resource bundle, i.e. from a resource name and the browser's language it tries to find a .properties, so if the language is es-ES it looks for the [bundle]_es-ES.properties file and if it does not exist then it reads the [bundle].properties.
Then you can get a message by the key property through the getMsg(key) method.
This is the entire code and a little example. Enjoy it!
Code and Example could be found here
var bundle = new Ext.i18n.Bundle({bundle='Application'});
alert('example'+ bundle.getMsg('key1'));
This would read:
-An Application_es-ES.properties file like this if the browser's language is es-ES:
#This is a simple comment
key1 "Mensaje para la propiedad key1"
-If the Application_es-ES.properties doesn't exist then tries to find the Application.properties file like this:
#This is a simple comment
key1 "this is the message for key1"
Bundle(config): config: {bundle: , resource:}
bundle: The bundle name for the properties file.
{bundle: 'mybundle'}
This looks for the file located in:
You will need at least the mybundle.properties file.
path: (optional) the path to the bundle file.
{bundle: 'mybundle, path: 'resources'}
This looks for the file located in:
Take into account that you need to write your application in the bundle.onReady() method in order to be able to access to your bundle.
Updated [JUL-09] A new Ext.18n.bundle v0.2 is available. Problem solved with ExtJS 3.0