May 3, 2009

CoverFlow for YUI beta version released

I am proud to announce that I have released a beta version of my CoverFlow Image for YUI. It has just two dependencies: yahoo-dom-event and animation. It works with Safari, Chrome and Firefox. IE is not supported yet. It is a javascript based component so you don't need anything but a browser with canvas support.
Feel free to leave comments or suggestions. It's completely free so you can download it and use it.
Since it is a beta version you might found issues.
Check it here:

Release 0.1 beta version:

- Multiple image sizes. There is no restriction for size.

- No image limit. You can add how many images as you like.

- Simple interface. You can just use an image list, no need to have complex configuration.

- Works in Firefox3, Safari4 and Chrome. IE is not supported yet.

- All javascript. No flash required.